5 moduri de a castiga cu doTERRA


Poti castiga bani cu doTERRA numai daca esti Wellness Advocate (constructor de retea) si ai o comanda LRP lunara de minim 100 PV.


1. Vanzarea cu amanuntul

De fiecare data cand cineva (care nu se inregistreaza in sistem) plaseaza o comanda pe magazinul tau online (de pe site-ul mydoterra) tu primesti 25% din valoarea comisionabila a acelei comenzi.



2. Fast Start Bonus (Bonus de Start Rapid)


When you enroll someone with a wholesale customer or wellness advocate membership, you get a Fast Start Bonus for their first 60 days enrolled. If you enrolled someone, YOU get 20% of all of their orders in the first 60 days.

Your enroller gets 10% and their enroller gets 5%. See figure two.

Fast Starts pay out weekly.



3. Power of Three (Puterea lui trei)

The $50 Power of Three Bonus. In order to qualify for the $50 bonus, a Wellness Advocate must make a Qualified LRP Order.  The Wellness Advocate must also have three personally sponsored Wellness Advocates or Wholesale Customers with Qualified LRP Orders, and a minimum Team Volume (TV) of 600.
The $250 Power of Three Bonus.  In order to qualify for the $250 bonus, a Wellness Advocate must first qualify for the $50 Bonus.   The three personally sponsored Wellness Advocates or Wholesale Customers who assisted him to qualify for the $50 Bonus must also qualify for the $50 Bonus.  See, Figure 3.
The $1,500 Power of Three Bonus.  In order to qualify for the $1,500 bonus, a Wellness Advocate must first qualify for the $250 Bonus. The three personally sponsored Wellness Advocates or Wholesale Customers who assisted him to qualify for the $250 Bonus must also qualify for the $250 Bonus.
The Power of Three bonus is paid out monthly. To strategize for this bonus, simply earn your own $50 bonus and teach your builders to earn their own $50 bonus.

4. Unilevel

I promise that unilevel pay is very simple – even though this chart can seem intimidating. You get paid on up to 7 levels in doTERRA. The further down you place someone in your organization, the more you get paid. The higher rank you get, the more levels you get paid on! Learn more about placements here or watch my placements class video here.

Paid out Monthly.

doterra compensation plan unileve


5. Leadership Pool Bonus

doterra compensation plan leadership pools

  1. Empowerment Bonus
    1. A Wellness Advocate that qualifies as a Premier or Silver and that enrolls one new Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer with 100 PV or more in a month, will receive one share in the Empowerment Pool.  Shares do not cumulate from one Rank to the next.  A share’s monthly bonus is equal to the designated pool’s percentage (1%) multiplied by the Company Volume for the same month, and divided by the number of shares of Wellness Advocates who have qualified for a share in the month.
  2. Silver, Gold, Platinum Bonus
    1. Each Silver receives one share in the Leadership Performance Pool.  Each Gold receives five shares in the Leadership Performance Pool.  Finally, each Platinum receives ten shares in the pool.   A Wellness Advocate can earn an additional share for the month if the Wellness Advocate is the Enroller of a first-time Elite.   Shares do not cumulate from one Rank to the next.  For example, a Wellness Advocate who moves from Silver to Gold is entitled to five shares, and not one share from the Silver pool and five from the Gold pool. A share’s monthly bonus is equal to the designated pool’s percentage (2%) multiplied by the Company Volume for the same month, and divided by the number of shares of Wellness Advocates who have qualified for a share in the month.
  3. Diamond + Bonus
    1. Each Diamond receives one share in the Diamond Performance Pool.  Each Blue Diamond receives two shares in the pool, and each Presidential Diamond receives three shares in the pool.  A Wellness Advocate can earn additional shares, for the month, if the Wellness Advocate is the Enroller of a first-time Premier.   Again, shares do not cumulate from one Rank to the next.  A share’s monthly bonus is equal to the designated pool’s percentage (1%), multiplied by the Company Volume for the same month, and divided by the number of shares of Wellness Advocates who have qualified for a share or shares in the month.

Paid out Monthly


Comisioanele medii, la diferite nivele de cariera in doTERRA – Anul 2016


doterra average income earnings 2016 rank